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Changing Baby’s diaper

by Content Editor
Changing Baby's diaper

Washing a baby’s little bottom, which is more simple than a routine operation, is a time for sharing. Here is a reminder of the proper gestures to be carried out in the correct order.

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How often should I change my baby’s nappy?

To avoid redness and diaper rash, it is essential to change your child’s diaper at least five times a day and as often as necessary (after a bowel movement, of course, but also after urination). Cleaning the baby’s bottom, which is necessary for good hygiene, is also, and above all, an act of protection for the baby’s skin. Because urine and stools are acidic and carry bacteria that irritate the very fragile skin of a toddler, regularly check that the nappy model you are used to buying still fits your baby well. Don’t hesitate to test different brands. They do not all have the same absorbency or the same shape.

Where to change the baby’s nappy?

Once your hands have been thoroughly washed, and your toiletries prepared, support your baby’s neck and place him on his back on his changing table. The changing table should be set at the right height so that you avoid any discomfort during this gentle moment. Of course, throughout this process, never leave your baby’s side. If you are away from home, out and about, or traveling, plan to take a changing mat or mattress with you on a safe, flat surface.

How do you remove a baby’s diaper?

Start by telling your little one that you are going to change his nappy. Then, gently tilt his pelvis to put the bodysuit under his buttocks. Lift his buttocks, unhook the Velcro fasteners from the nappy and fold them down, so they do not stick to the child’s skin. Then, you can lift her bottom slightly to get the front of the diaper underneath. This is the most direct and quickest method. To avoid soiling the baby and the bath towel, the easiest way is to roll the diaper on itself while pulling the clean front part down towards the baby’s bottom, removing as much stool as possible in the process.

How to clean your baby’s seat?

Using a glove, a hypoallergenic wipe, or a cotton pad covered with ointment or cleansing milk, gently clean your child’s seat from front to back. Don’t forget the top of the tummy, the folds of the thighs, and the crotch, as urine and feces can macerate and irritate your baby’s fragile skin. Then use an angle of the towel under the baby to gently dry the folds.

  • For a little boy

Rinse your mitt or change wipes to clean his tummy (up to his belly button), penis, testicles, and groin folds.

  • For a little girl

Touch her labia and vulva, then lightly press into her groin folds. Finish by washing her belly.

How do I put a clean diaper on my baby?

Unfold the clean diaper widely and slide it under the baby. Instead of lifting him by his feet, you can turn him on his side, following the child’s natural movement. Fold the front of the nappy over the baby’s tummy, remembering to fold the baby boy’s sex downwards.

  • Close the Velcro fasteners. Check that the elasticated folds of the nappy are well placed towards the outside to prevent leaks, center it well in width and between the back and the stomach. Apply the unfolded Velcro fasteners flat so that they adhere perfectly.
  • At the right size. If the umbilicus has not yet fallen off, you can fold the edge of the nappy so that it does not rub it. Check that the nappy fits as snugly as possible, as your baby’s stomach may expand slightly after feeding. You should therefore leave the space of two fingers slipped in at the waist.


Changing diapers may appear complicated at first. However, with a bit of experience, keeping your infant clean and dry will become second nature.

It is critical to change the child at least five times a day to avoid redness and diaper rash. Diapers are acidic and include microorganisms that irritate the toddler’s delicate epidermis.

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