The school is in the next town; his friend lives on the other side of town, the judo club is several blocks away. You can’t accompany him every time. And why not encourage him to take public transport?
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At what age can he take the bus alone?
Some children take the school bus as early as kindergarten, and, according to national regulations, accompanying adults are not mandatory. But these situations are exceptional. Children can start taking the bus or train around the age of 8, starting with the routes they know. By the age of 10, your child should be able to read a metro or bus map on its own and plot its route.
Reassuring your child
Your toddler may be reluctant to try this new experience. Encourage him! Making the journey together for the first time will reassure him and give him confidence. Explain to him that if he feels lost, he can go and see the bus driver, the train conductor, or the RATP agent in the metro. But no one else! Just like every time he leaves the house alone, he is not allowed to talk to strangers.
You have to prepare for transport!
Teach him not to run to catch his bus, wave to the driver, validate his ticket, and stand behind the safety strips in the metro. During the journey, remind him to sit down or hold on to the bars and pay attention to the closing of the doors.
Finally, tell them about the codes of good conduct: give a pregnant woman or an older person a seat, say hello and goodbye to the bus driver, don’t leave your bag lying around in the middle of the aisle, and also, don’t bother the other passengers by fooling around with your friends!
It is essential that you assist your child in becoming accustomed to riding to and from school without you. The notion of your child riding the bus to school for the first time might be daunting for both of you. Preparing ahead of time helps ease the adjustment and encourage your child throughout the year.