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Labor & Delivery

In our western societies, many terms more or less clear surround childbirth. What is an epidural? Are there other solutions to avoid pain during childbirth? Episiotomy can also be a source of questioning and anxiety, as well as water loss, contractions, forceps, caesarean section… Natural childbirth, water birth, at home or in a birthing center, whether or not the father-to-be will be present… Famisy will give you all the information you need to be ready to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible on D-day.

  • The birth has well and truly begun; it is time to leave. You know who should accompany you (the future father, a friend, your mother) and who will be available immediately to take care of your children if you already have some.

  • Your baby is developing at a spectacular rate, especially in the first year! What growth benchmarks can you trust to ensure that it grows well? And when it comes to dressing, how can you follow the movement and decipher the labels on your clothes?

  • A pregnant woman who cannot or does not wish to raise the child she is expecting can give birth under X to have her baby adopted. If there were 10,000 births under X in the 1970s, they were only 625 in 2014. Update on childbirth under X.

  • Your baby is developing at a spectacular rate, especially in the first year! What growth benchmarks can you trust to ensure that it grows well? And when it comes to dressing, how can you follow the movement and decipher the labels on your clothes?

  • Sign that the childbirth is close, the rupture of the water bag at term raises many questions for future moms. Update on this phenomenon.

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