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All about hypersalivation and hypersialorrhea in pregnancy

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All about hypersalivation and hypersialorrhea in pregnancy

Pregnancy is sometimes synonymous with hypersalivation, also called hypersialorrhea or ptyalism, excessive salivation that is not always easy to bear. We tell you all about hypersalivation during pregnancy and how to remedy it or at least reduce it naturally.

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Hypersialorrhea or ptyalism, what is it?

Nausea, vomiting, heavy legs, hemorrhoids and hypersalivation! For some women, pregnancy is accompanied by excessive salivation, which is not always easy to bear.

Also known as hypersialorrhea or ptyalism, this presence of excess saliva has no definite cause. However, hormonal changes due to pregnancy are strongly suspected, as is the case for many pregnancy-related ailments.

The phenomenon of hypersalivation is generally observed at the beginning of pregnancy, during the first three to four months, as are nausea and vomiting, linked to the HCG hormone level. But this excessive salivation sometimes occurs until the end of pregnancy in some women.

Although it is not yet known precisely why it seems that African and Caribbean ethnic communities are more affected than others.

Pregnant women prone to nausea and vomiting would also be more affected than others by hypersalivation. Some doctors hypothesize that this excessive salivation is precisely there to protect the digestive tract in case of vomiting and gastroesophageal reflux.

The symptoms of hypersalivation during pregnancy

Hypersalivation in pregnant women is due to an overproduction of saliva by the salivary glands. The signs and symptoms of hypersalivation are, therefore:

  • production of approximately twice as much saliva with a bitter taste (up to 2 liters per day!);
  • A thickening of the tongue;
  • Swollen cheeks due to the size of the salivary glands.

Too much saliva during pregnancy: natural treatments and remedies

Unless hypersalivation becomes a handicap in daily life, particularly at work, in which a medical visit is required, there is not much to be done about hypersalivation in pregnant women. Especially since this symptom of pregnancy does not harm the baby unless it is accompanied by significant nausea and vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum).

Since there is no medication to treat hypersalivation during pregnancy, there is no harm in trying natural tips and remedies. Here are some of them.

Homeopathy prescription against hypersalivation

Homeopathy can be used against excess saliva, especially since it can also help relieve nausea and vomiting. The homeopathic treatment differs according to the appearance of the tongue:

  • Clean tongue, with very abundant liquid salivation: IPECA
  • Yellow, Pasty tongue: NUX VOMICA
  • spongy, Serrated tongue, which keeps the imprint of the teeth with thick salivation: MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS
  • White tongue, with a thick coating: ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM.

Usually take five granules, three times a day, in 9 CH dilution.

Other solutions to reduce hypersalivation

There are other habits and natural remedies that can help relieve hypersalivation:

  • Limit starchy foods and dairy products while maintaining a balanced diet;
  • Prefer light meals and several small snacks per day;
  • chewing gums and sugar-free candies can help limit salivation;
  • Brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth with mint-based products freshens your breath and helps you cope with excess saliva.

However, be careful with spitting out excess saliva: it can lead to dehydration in the long run. If you are tempted to spit to eliminate saliva, make sure to hydrate yourself afterward.

If these natural tips and homeopathy are not enough, acupuncture or osteopathy can be considered.


Hypersalivation is a physiological condition that occurs during pregnancy. Excessive salivation, commonly known as hypersalivation or drooling, is a common occurrence during early pregnancy. Although the etiology of hypersalivation is unknown, it is believed to be related to hormonal changes.

There is no established method for decreasing saliva production. However, women suffering from this issue recommend cleaning their teeth, chewing gum, and avoiding starchy meals.

If the drooling condition persists, becomes excessively distressing, or exacerbates nausea and vomiting, it is prudent to visit a physician.

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